The first trailer of a new Bollywood flick ‘Badmashiyaan’ is finally out! Starring Suzzan Mukherjee in the lead role, the film highlights the character of a young beautiful lass ‘Naari’ who masters the art of making men fall for her.

Watch Out Naari Can Make You Fall Head Over Heels!

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Television actor Karan Mehra, Gunjan, Malhotra Sidhant Gupta, and Sharib Hashmi co-stars Suzzana in the movie in key roles. Suzzana is really looking striking in the trailer, flaunting her cunning expertise. The trailer of the film displays some good comic sequences with sidesplitting wisecracks.

Perceiving the trailer, we can say that Naari the gorgeous con girl is all set to con your hearts with ‘Badmashiyaan’.

'Badmashiyaan' Movie Cast and Crew

Movie Badmashiyaan
Directed by Amit Khanna
Produced by Vijay Gutte
Starring Suzanna Mukherjee Sidhant Gupta Sharib Hashmi Karan Mehra Gunjan Malhotra
Music by Bobby-Imran
Edited by Rahul Bhatnkar
Production company VRG Motion Pictures
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